aaanndd a very good day :)
well actually i am not quite sure where to begin...
there're lots of stuffs i can begin with...
well..let's start with these three things
-shutter speed
these three things are somehow related in producing a well exposed picture/image
now let's start with the aperture
aperture is basically the size of the opening allowing light to reach the sensor of your camera.
see this..
see what changes? (ini bukan iklan laptop hijau timekaseh :p )
well basicly that is the aperture (the thing(mechanism) inside the lens)
reading aperture is sometimes confusing especially for beginners.
The aperture is usually indicated with the f-stop unit. as an example f/3.5 or F3.5 ..
the smaller the number = the larger the opening
and oppositely
the larger the number = the smaller the opening..
tgk ni haa...
see how it works? (i googled this)
just as i said before :
"the smaller the number = the larger the opening
and oppositely
the larger the number = the smaller the opening.."
well it's obvious that larger aperture (smaller f-stop) allows more light entering the camera
and smaller aperture (larger f-stop) allow less light entering the camera :)
here, see this
that's what i meant
i shot all of them with the same setting but notice that i changed the aperture value
and it affects the brightness of the picture....
that's not all of it!
aperture also affects the "depth of field" (i will tell you later about this)
read first
lager aperture (smaller f-stop) would produce shallower depth of field
or more bokeh
smaller aperture (larger f-stop) would produce larger depth of field
or less bokeh
here see this
see...smaller aperture gives less bokeh/blurr
in other word more depth-of-field
[ I will tell you about depth of field later. Let's just focus on this first :) ]
as a conclusion :
larger aperture = brighter image / more bokeh
smaller aperture = darker image / less bokeh..
that's all for now... i'll continue later with the "shutter speed" :)
assalamualaikumm :)
here's the link to the next post :)
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