may peace be upon you
this time i'm going to tell you guys about ISO and maybe a bit conclusion about the relationship
between aperture-shutter speed-ISO
i got nothing to babel on so let's go straight with the ISO :)
and i won't say anything about poyok trust me... =="
ISO means International Standards Organisation or in some other cases are called ASA which stands for American Standards Association.
ISO is basically the indicator of the sensitivity of the camera's sensor.
Well..basically that's the technical part...
now2 how to read this ISO thing?
lower number of ISO's indicate that the sensor is less sensitive
and higher number of ISO's indicate that the sensor is more sensitive
well it's nice to have a very sensitive sensor because the sensor would need shorter amount of time to capture the image (assuming the aperture is constant)
but as a reminder, the more sensitive the sensor is, the more digital noise will be captured with the image.
Thus, the ISO must be kept as low as possible to reduce this problem.
(somehow i think this sounds a bit ... technical..and hard to ask me if you don't understand :) )
well... let's make it a bit easier, if you are shooting in a dark room or a place with not much light where your shutter speed gets too low that every images you capture gets blurred, you must set for higher ISO.
if you are shooting in a bright places such as outdoor, lets just keep the ISO as low as possible :)
ISO100? 200 maybe ? :)
here see this
(i googled this)
see these images are captured at the same shutter speed.
notice how the higher ISO produces brighter images.
and in this one too :
and this :
but at the same time, do you notice that the quality of the image also drops
with the increase of the iso? see there're some kind of noises in the picture,
well that's what i meant with the noise problem :)
well...mostly for beginner akan takut guna ISO tinggi...even i myself was afraid to push the high ISO setting for being afraid that the quality of the images would drop, but now we have many software that can help to remove this noises like Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom :)
[plus] when it comes to an event or situations where you must have a picture, it's better to at least have a picture than none.
sometimes noises can bring some artistic bring "the feel" or "mood" to monochrome pictures...
so....don't be too afraid of the noises okay :)
now that's for the first three..
now i want to introduce you to this guy....
the exposure triangle. (i googled this)
well this is where basically you apply all the concept of aperture, ISO and shutter speed
this is important for you to be able to use the P,S,A and M mode (for nikon ) and P, Av , Tv and M (for canon) :)
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