Friday, 1 February 2013

PSAM and RO3

So how’s it going y’all? J

So far we’ve learned about the aperture, shutter speed , ISO and exposure triangle bagai…

Now let’s talk a little bit about composition method…

Oh! By the way, I didn’t tell you guy’s anything about the P, S, A and M mode (P, Tv, Av and M for Canon users) assuming that you guys have read the camera manuals…

But here I give you briefly about the modes (just a flash view okay J )

P, S(Tv) and  A(Av) modes are partially manual modes
P mode – means program mode, where you can set the ISO and the exposure compensation while the camera would decide on itself which aperture and shutter speed to be used.

S or Tv mode – Shutter priority mode (Time value for Canon users), is a mode where you can set the shutter speed, ISO and the exposure compensation while the camera would decide on itself which aperture to be used.


A or AV mode – which means aperture priority (Aperture value for Canon users) … (please tell me in the comment if this is boring…ahaha…) …this is where you can set the aperture while the camera would decide on itself which shutter speed to be used J

While M mode means Manual exposure mode …
This is one big pain for new users ahaha…
Here everything is manually programmed
It’s quite hard to set the exposure manually but here’s a tip for you guys

- Well if you are set to use which aperture or shutter speed, go for A(Av) or S(Tv) mode first.
From there you can see the shutter speed or aperture set automatically by your camera and from there you can work on your manual exposure setting J

Easy right? J

Okay…. That was quite long….

Well… Let’s get to our main topic!!!

The composition method that I want to teach you guys is the “Rule Of Thirds”
The easiest, simplest, (and some say possibly oldest?) to improve your photography
No matter what camera you are using…on your ohhseemmm phone…

For me this is essential to every photographer…
Well… if they wanna get their composition better :p

Actually I don’t really have a word to teach you this….
See this ?

Well basically rule of thirds involve putting your subject along the line or in the intersection of the line…

oh have to "imagine" the line...sure..there aren't no lines on your viewfinder...except for the live view mode...some camera models does have this function...

Like this….

See those images? That’s what I meant.

Now here are some tips:

1.       In portrait photography, use the horizontal grid line to place people’s eyes or in group shot, people’s heads. Well..that wasn’t so hard…
2.       Use the vertical grid lines for things like trees, waterfalls, specific aspects of architecture, or just a person with a background behind them.
3.       Try to get specific focal points onto the corners of that middle square (onto the red dots in the grid above).
4.       Don't be a perfectionist! The rule is a guide. But don't feel the focal points must be on exactly the grid lines or corner points. This leads me neatly onto . . .
5.       The last tip! BREAK THE RULE J

Well…penat bace jauh2 pastu suruh break the rule????
Ahaha no lah :p

Basically 80% of shooting condition needs this technique…at least is produce better photos in the 80% conditions…ahaha
But then sometimes you need to be creative…
Please don’t let these rules be some kind of constriction to your creativity

Go out and experiment a bit!
You’re not using films anyway J

That’s all I guess… if there’re anything to ask or anything to comment or even suggestions…
Feel free to ask or tell me…
You can drop your comments/questions down here… or at my facebook J

I hope this will be a big help for your photography J


Wednesday, 30 January 2013


assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah
may peace be upon you

this time i'm going to tell you guys about ISO and maybe a bit conclusion about the relationship
between aperture-shutter speed-ISO

i got nothing to babel on so let's go straight with the ISO :)
and i won't say anything about poyok trust me... =="

ISO means International Standards Organisation or in some other cases are called ASA which stands for American Standards Association.

ISO is basically the indicator of the sensitivity of the camera's sensor.
Well..basically that's the technical part...

now2 how to read this ISO thing?

lower number of ISO's indicate that the sensor is less sensitive
and higher number of ISO's indicate that the sensor is more sensitive

well it's nice to have a very sensitive sensor because the sensor would need shorter amount of time to capture the image (assuming the aperture is constant)
but as a reminder, the more sensitive the sensor is, the more digital noise will be captured with the image.
Thus, the ISO must be kept as low as possible to reduce this problem.

(somehow i think this sounds a bit ... technical..and hard to ask me if you don't understand :) )

well... let's make it a bit easier, if you are shooting in a dark room or a place with not much light where your shutter speed gets too low that every images you capture gets blurred, you must set for higher ISO.

if you are shooting in a bright places such as outdoor, lets just keep the ISO as low as possible :)
ISO100? 200 maybe ? :)

here see this

(i googled this)
see these images are captured at the same shutter speed.
notice how the higher ISO produces brighter images.

and in this one too :

and this :

but at the same time, do you notice that the quality of the image also drops
with the increase of the iso? see there're some kind of noises in the picture,
well that's what i meant with the noise problem :)


well...mostly for beginner akan takut guna ISO tinggi...even i myself was afraid to push the high ISO setting for being afraid that the quality of the images would drop, but now we have many software that can help to remove this noises like Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom :)

[plus] when it comes to an event or situations where you must have a picture, it's better to at least have a picture than none.

sometimes noises can bring some artistic bring "the feel" or "mood" to monochrome pictures...

so....don't be too afraid of the noises okay :)

now that's for the first three..

now i want to introduce you to this guy....

the exposure triangle. (i googled this)

well this is where basically you apply all the concept of aperture, ISO and shutter speed
this is important for you to be able to use the P,S,A and M mode (for nikon ) and P, Av , Tv and M (for canon) :)

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

shutter speed :)

assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah :)

i am sleepless....
well then let's continue with the shutter speed..


well... in words, shutter speed is the legth of time that the shutter remains open to allow light to reach the sensor for the photograph...
tak faham sangat kan?

well basically the DSLR that you are using has this mechanism called the shutter which can open to allow light to rach the sensor of the camera and close to ...err..not to allow light to reach the sensor ehehe...

hurm...lets make an example...

see the picture?

err..ignore the ugliness ..and the lameness..i'm not an art student anyway :)

okay.let's say you are the camera's sensor.
basically you are in a dark room so you can't see anything yet (just imagine it!! i should've drawn the orang lidi in a box@room but that's it...tak terlintas difikiran mase tu).

and the curtain which is the only window for you to see the outside world
the camera's shutter
well...that would work :p

aaannd outside
there's a "cat"..although it doesn't really look like one...
(insha Allah i'll change the picture with a better one (yang lagi senonoh)...if i have the time :p )

now basically the curtain need to be opened for you to see the "cat"
and same goes to the camera
the shutter need to be opened in order for the sensor to record the image of the "cat"...haih disturbing cat ni =="

now the problem is the camera's sensor is not like our human's eyes..
it records the image by collecting the light from outside...

thus, opening the shutter/curtain for too long would make the image too bright or in other word 'overexposed' (well..that's the term we use in photography :) )
therefore by the time the light collected is enough or suffice (cukup dah ) the curtain need to be closed.


if the light is not enough, then the shutter needs to be opened longer so that the camera's sensor could collect more light :)

NOW! the interval between the shutter opens for the light to come in and it closes back is called the shutter speed! see :) it's not that hard to understand this..

here see some example

here i took some photos with same setting but different shutter speed.
Note the difference. The one that i took wit longer shutter speed is brighter compared to the picture with the faster shutter speed.

usually entry-level cameras would have this range of shutter speed : 30sec - 1/4000sec (it means it can be opened from 30 seconds long and 1/4000 of a second)
and high-end cameras usually have the range of 30sec - 1/8000sec (well that's twice as fast as 1/4000sec)

and both would have this "BULB" setting..
BULB is where the shutter remains open as long as the shutter button is pushed.
this setting is used usually when you need an exposure longer than 30 seconds.


well as i told you before it controls the amount of light reaching the sensor

there's another function of the shutter speed where you can freeze or blur motion.
here's an example...

here are some examples (i googled them)

note how slower shutter speed captures the movement of the object 

So!! as the conclusion

longer shutter speed = brighter image / more movement blur
faster shutter speed = darker image / less movement blur :)

now2...let's stop here for now okay :)

next i'll tell you about the ISO!
assalamualaikum :)

learn DSLR

aaanndd a very good day :)

well actually i am not quite sure where to begin...
there're lots of stuffs i can begin with...

well..let's start with these three things
-shutter speed
these three things are somehow related in producing a well exposed picture/image

now let's start with the aperture


aperture is basically the size of the opening allowing light to reach the sensor of your camera.

see this..
see what changes? (ini bukan iklan laptop hijau timekaseh :p )

well basicly that is the aperture (the thing(mechanism) inside the lens)

reading aperture is sometimes confusing especially for beginners. 
The aperture is usually indicated with the f-stop unit. as an example f/3.5 or F3.5 ..

the smaller the number = the larger the opening
and oppositely
the larger the number = the smaller the opening..

tgk ni haa...

see how it works? (i googled this)

just as i said before :
"the smaller the number = the larger the opening
and oppositely
the larger the number = the smaller the opening.."


well it's obvious that larger aperture (smaller f-stop) allows more light entering the camera
and smaller aperture (larger f-stop) allow less light entering the camera :)

here, see this 

that's what i meant

i shot all of them with the same setting but notice that i changed the aperture value
and it affects the brightness of the picture....

that's not all of it!

aperture also affects the "depth of field" (i will tell you later about this)
read first

lager aperture (smaller f-stop) would produce shallower depth of field
or more bokeh

smaller aperture (larger f-stop) would produce larger depth of field
or less bokeh

here see this 


see...smaller aperture gives less bokeh/blurr
in other word more depth-of-field
[ I will tell you about depth of field later. Let's just focus on this first :) ]

as a conclusion : 
larger aperture = brighter image / more bokeh
smaller aperture = darker image / less bokeh..

that's all for now... i'll continue later with the "shutter speed" :)

assalamualaikumm :)

here's the link to the next post :)

Sunday, 27 January 2013

erm...learn DSLR?


::this is the first part::

first before i begin..
this is really just for the sake of sharing, maybe if you are reading this, you may get some new knowledge 
and..maybe not.
Before I forget, forgive me for being not really good in English. Maybe I will be using “bahasa rojak” (broken mixed languages)…
You can always ask me later if there is anything you don’t understand

This ‘membebel’ part may be a little boring or pointless so you may skip all the way to the bottom (or 2nd part of this post) where I list two or three things you should know before you begin with your oh-so-ohsemm DLSR ehehe J

::membebel dengan ayat-ayat poyoness::

just recently some of my friends kept asking me to teach them "photography"...
well.. to be honest i'm not really that good to teach you guys but maybe here i can share you a bit about taking pictures..
and maybe teach you a litte bit of the basics of DSLR photography :)

talking about being “not-that-good in photography” I said that because I never really had any formal lesson in photography
I started learning this photography thing when I was 14..yeah..if I’m not mistaken,
During that time I only have this red Samsung digital camera with 4MP sensor…
Ahaha quite funny to remember how I play around with the camera… made it like my own.. maybe I was too ‘mesmerized’ with it….silly young me (ok ni xperlu ckp)
And during that time DSLR wasn’t that famous until now that you can see almost everyone have one…any could be anyone can buy this expensive gadget…

thus, maybe some of the things that I will teach you guys is based on my experiences and understandings in photography….


First things first is you should know your camera.



Most people would ignore this …
It is important to know stuffs about your camera and to be familiar with it...
You must know the buttons, the menus and the functions it has. (Different model or brands of DSLR does have different specs)
PLUS, your camera… it’s expensive! (siyes doh! Bukan main2)
you must know well your camera so you won't "memandai2" while you are using it!

Know how to change the settings and the functions of the buttons

Oh yeah, by the way, you should know that DSLR have this shutter count thing.
But not to worry about this… usually new DSLR would have maybe 100k shutter count…
And 100k is quite a lot so you can forget about this for a while …

2.       P,S,A,M MODES

One of the reasons for people to buy or use DLSR is because it offers you more flexibility in controlling the outcomes of the photos you’re are taking. Meaning that you can change the setting using the P,S,A,M modes.
You don’t simply buy expensive stuffs like this just to play with the auto mode and brag to your friends about it right…
Well…if you do…I would kindly advice you to “campak” your DLSR and go buy some good expensive digital cameras…that would serve you better … POSER!J


::penat speaking::

Usually akan ade kelab atau ape2 organisasi yg akan buat  event yg kite biase dengar “outing”
Jangan malu. Follow lah, from there kite boleh belajar banyak lagi especially if ade abang2 yang dah lame dalam bidang fotografi
Ask them. And kalau ade kelas asas fotografi, go and join!
Tak salah pun belajar and biasenye tak mahal pun kelas basic…dalam RM50 pon ade… (Correct me if I am wrong)

And tak salah bawak user manual p outing @ kelas untuk rujukan. Tak payah nak malu sangat lahhh…kmera korang. Lantak pi la depa nak habag pa pun…

And always ask for comments from friends so you can always improve your skills

that's all for now assalamualaikumm :)

here's link to the next post :
(lesson one :p)

Thursday, 24 January 2013

when i was young : a reminiscence

when i was 4...i can't really remember a thing...everything was fun...sometimes not.i had to stay wit my 'baby sitter' while ummi and abah went to work....

when i was 5, i was in TASKI ABIM..that's where i met my best friend Mat....we're friend until now...we're kind of cut off when i was 6...14-19 (lama baq hang hahaha)..but we're still friend...if i am to tell our story then i bet i wouldn't finish untill tomorrow...

when i was 6, it was a bit sad for me...i have to meet new faces..oh yeah, i went to sekolah rendah...a year early..IDK why but ummi said i have to so i did..i was 6..why'd i question that? and yeah..i had to go through 'darjah 1' twice...

when i was 7, it was the best moment as a 'budak skolah'.yeah i was sevenn..who'd question every weird things a 7 years old kid would do? ahaha...we played 'zero-point' with rubber band... 'dekcok'...played with ants...i had an imaginary video games that i drew on a piece of paper (ummi couldn't afford me one so yeah..why not drew myself one? ahaha)...

when i was 7 and 8, i remember we used to "berulang-alik" (not sure of the kelua 'commute' tak kan lahhh) from Kota Bharu to Besut. My late father was transferred from HBKL to HUSM. It's much closer to home but he was in coma....yeah..i dont have a word to describe this

when i was 9...the thing that i'd remember the most is...i lost my father...yeah..tapi tak meangis pon...yes i didn't cry neither the moment that i know that he'd passed away nor at his funeral...yeah i cried...sebab jatuh masa main dgn adik...ahaha...but seriously for me it's better for me to watch him to met his creator that have to face him lying in coma everyday.that would hurt the most....

when i was 10, I kind of learn the meaning of life, I used to 'gentel' "kuih siput" every night and ummi would fry them. Then me and my younger brother would pack them. We also used to make 'mee kuning'. Ummi would prepare the dough while me and my brother would roll them for quite a few time before the dough is ready to be put into the roller that would shape/shred it.then we'd pack them so we could sell them tomorrow at school and that was the only way we'd get out pocket money...(seriously...dulu je nampak senang)

when i was 11 i used to have a crush on this! I can't believe i'd stare at her secretly everyday ahaha....(bodo gila baq hang...smpai skrg nk gelak)

when I was in my schooling days...i used to cycle to school (it was about less than 10 minutes on my not-so-lazy days and about 15 minutes + on my i-don't-wanna-go-to-school day) i'd always dirty my white pants (yelah ade becak lagi...lalu ikot semak lagi...rantai basikal mmg punca utama...)

when i was 12 i think, i used to crop a picture of a girl and kept it under my bed..untill ummi caught me and i had to put away the picture (though i still kept it somewhere in my notebook ) ...and untill now ummi is still teasing me whenever i went back to my hometown (where we'd drivpass her house)....ahaha..silly young me :p

when i was 14, i used to stay up all night just to listen to songs, draw and scribble stuffs on my drawing blocks and i'd bring them to school tomorrow later just to finish them. Later when  finish them, i'd give them to anyone i want...(and the habit still goes on untill i was 16 i guess...ahh...those are in the past. I can't even draw a straight line with my hands now)

woww...lets stop here.I don't recall being 17,18 and 19 as young.being young sure give me a lot of things to remeber.... :) now I'm still 19 and going 20 this March. I still have a lot of my life to live on :)